Outdoor Learning

It has been a very busy week in Class G with lots of outdoor learning.  At the start of the week we went to Poundland to learn about money and how to use money.  We had a challenge to be responsible for our own money and pay for our item independently.  We had to buy an item which could go in our empty choose tray.  Miss Garland was so proud of us as we could all pay for our item on our own.  During outdoor classroom day we all went into the big playground for a range of activities. We had great fun building a den and reading stories inside.  We also had the opportunity to play skittle counting games, draw a chalk maze, do some construction and look for insects.  We also had great fun playing games with bubbles.  Here is what class G have to say about their outdoor experiences:

Gabriel – I liked making a tent.  I was able to catch the tennis balls so they didn’t roll away.

Charlie – I liked PE.  I really liked that I got to go to PE twice this week.

Jake – I liked playing poison bubbles.  We all popped evil bubbles.

Logan – I liked screaming “bubbles”.

Shea – I liked drawing the Pinky Ponk with the chalk.

Erin – I liked going to the shop.  I bought a doll.


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