What’s the weather?

In Maths with Mrs Mackenzie we are learning about Fractions. We have looked at wholes, halves, thirds, quarters, fifth, sixths, sevenths, eighths, ninths and tenths. We played a game where we had to fill a wall with different fractions of bricks.
I found out that the number on the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator. This is how many pieces you need to make a whole with that fraction. So if it is ¼ we need 4 pieces to make a whole – Aryan.
In indoor PE we were doing hockey and we did races with the ball concentrating on keeping control of the ball. In outdoor PE we started learning some cricket skills.
In learning across the curriculum we are looking at climate change and different types of weather. We wrote similes about the weather which we then wrote into a poem. Here are some of our favourites
Jaime-Lee – the storm is like Thor striking his hammer
Elliot – the storm is like a dragon’s winging soaring in the sky
Luke – The hail is like me having snowball fight with God
Ela – The mist is like a dragon’s breath
Hope – the fog is like a ghost coming to get you
Louie – the clouds were like paintings in the sky
Rose – the storm is like my Dad shouting
Isaac – the wind is like a strong man lifting weights
Jason – the rain is like clouds crying
Ben –the rain is like a waterfall in the sky
Dani – the fog is like the steam from a fire, covering the land.
Guy – the storm was like God in anger
In STEM at Golden time, the group made helicopters. We investigated what happens when you make them bigger or smaller, what happens when the wings are made shorter or folded a different way. It was great fun testing them in the stairwell!

Pupil of the week – Maisey for sharing and comparing strategies so well during our number talks.

Table of the week – with 960 points

Outside achievements – Jaime-Lee gained a distinction in her Jazz exam.
Elliot passed his accreditation 3 at the velodrome and he is now on the last level of development.

Article 28 – the right to an education

One thought on “What’s the weather?”

  1. What a great week everyone! Jacob – I think you really enjoyed STEM at Golden Time, didn’t you? We love experimenting!

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