Class M’s busy week

Class M have been practising reading aloud to Class G. We focussed on using a clear voice and having an appropriate pace. we also made sure we showed them all the pictures and tried to use an interesting voice in our reading.


Yolie – I reading a book about find the teddy bear with Logan. He liked it.

In music we chose a Summer themed tune as we having been having some nice sunny weather. We were practising keeping a beat and choosing some instruments that matched summery sounds.

Adam – I liked doing music, even though Aiden was very noisy. We are making a song about Summer.

Charlie – I followed the Summer songs rhythms by using the musical instruments. I liked the maracas it sounded like the Mexican men with sombreros.

David – I’m playing with the musical instruments. the xylophone makes a funny noise like trrrrrr….!

Dylan – We were playing Monopoly last Friday. Charlie won the game.


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