We had a fun but busy first week back last week in P3a! These are some of the things we got up to…
Firstly we did some snapshots of our Easter holidays to help us in our writing.
We also learned about exclamation marks and where we use them in our writing. We are looking forward to putting them in our writing to show where someone may be shouting, to add expression and to show surprise.
We described our favourite character from our class novel ‘Mr Stink’ and used words and pictures to say why we liked them. We are really enjoying reading Mr Stink!
In maths the pentagons and pyramids were working on their 8 times tables and we were using strategies such as drawing an ‘array’ and using ‘repeated addition’ to work the answer out.
The spheres were working on the 4 times table and testing their problem solving skills with a range of questions.
Nathan got a new reading book and has been practicing reading new words and did very well!
Table of the week – Brooke, Ammie-Leigh, Callum and Murray.
Dojo winner- Farrah
Maisie won a first place medal and second place medal in golf!
Charlie and Murray have been learning new moves in Karate.
We are starting our new topic about Farming this week and look forward to sharing our learning with you!