
We have a busy week back after the holiday.

This week in writing we have been reflecting on our achievements this year and have been writing our own reports. We had to think about or strengths and next steps. We are going to edit these and write them in our transition jotter for high school.

In maths this week we have been learning about measuring length and converting units of measurement. We took part in a ‘measurehunt’ where we had to measure different items around the school and convert the measurements.

We also went outside for maths this week and looked around the playground to see the different opportunities for maths. We had to complete a maths trail asking different maths questions using the environment. For example, we had to estimate the distance from the front gate to the office door in metres and we had to calculate the fraction of red cars in the car park. We are going to create our own maths trails for our P1 buddies.

Most of us are off to Oban next week so we will keep you updated daily about how we are getting on. Have a good weekend!


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