First week back in P7b

It’s been a short but busy week in p7 this is how it went!

This week in writing we had fun reflecting on our learning this year and writing our own reports.  This gave the teacher an idea of our point of view on our strengths, next steps, behaviour and approach to learning.  We wrote these in our transition jotters to pass them onto the teachers at Bathgate Academy.

‘I enjoyed writing it in the 3rd person. It made me feel like a teacher.’- David

In art we drew pictures of Scottish landscapes. Our success criteria was to include light/shadow and texture to make our pictures more advance. These turned out well and are displayed in our class.

‘I enjoyed choosing what landscape to do.’ –Ryan

For the past few weeks, we have been working in groups to create a slaptick.

Slapstick is pretend hitting in a drama scene.  Laurel and Hardy are famous slapstick actors. Yesterday in drama we performed our group slapsticks to our class. All of them were very entertaining!

I enjoyed making my own story line  -Jamie

This week we have been very excited as some of us are going to Oban on Monday. This will be a great experience for us. Some of the great things we will be getting up to are; gorge walking, canoeing, swimming, and to finish off, a beach bonfire!

‘I can’t wait till Monday!’ Meadow

Have a nice weekend,


Article 28- the right to an education

Completed by Aidan and Meadow

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