
This week in P7b we have been very busy.  We read a few chapters of The Boy in Striped Pyjamas then completed follow up tasks.  In one activity each group was issued with a description of a character in the book. E.g. team bones was given a piece of text on father.  We had to read the description of the character then draw how we imaged them to look like.   This is called visualisation and this skill helps to deepen our understanding.

Lucy : I enjoyed drawing father using the description in the book !

In art we create a picture based on the front cover of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas; It had to include stripes, perspective, silhouettes and cold colours. You could use any materials.

Here are some examples…


In maths we learned about area. For squares and rectangles you timed the breadth times length. E.g. 7m x 8m               = 56m2

But for triangles you times the  length by the breadth then half it.  E.g. 5 CM x  9 CM= 45cm/2= 22.5cm2

We also learned about the area compound shapes.  This is where you look for shapes, work out the area of both shapes then add them together.

Completed by Meadow

Have a lovely Easter break everyone!

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