
Our favourite things this term!

Evie: I liked Victorian because I got to see people wearing the Dunces hat.

Erin: I liked assembly it was fun.

Robyn: I liked doing Victorian writing on Victorian day.

David: I liked the trip to New Lanark.

Leia: I liked Victorian Day because on google it says teachers were strict and scary and Mr Cunningham.

Demi – Leigh: I liked getting the punishments on Victorian day like holding the books and the Dunces hat and going to the other class.

Olivia: I liked spending time with the whole class.

Caitlin: I enjoyed New Lanark, it was fun to be a mannequin.

Kayleigh: I enjoyed winning the snuffles competition and eating the Harbios.

Aaron: I liked when Erin got the Dunces hat because she was writing with her left hand.

Emma: I liked doing our assembly.

Dadirayi: I enjoyed every this term.

Have a great holiday P5B! See you in April!

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