Fun at Golden Time

Golden Time on a Friday is lots of fun. w

We sign up for an activity on a Monday and hope  to earn 5 minutes every day. We work hard in class and play in a caring,friendly manner to earn the minutes.

Here are our comments for this week:-

Nina and Max- We chose The Puppet Theatre for Golden Time. We are using lots of different puppets. The best puppet for Nina was the French one and Max’s favourite is the bear

Sophie M., Archie, Katie, Luis and Dylan- We chose lego this week. I like helping Luis make his ship-Katie. I like building my mum’s house-Sophie M.  Dylan and and Archie are building a mansion. Luis I like making my ship.

Lily,Isla, Florence, Harris and Ross- We are playing Gold diggers and Sonic Dash

Kaycee, Jess, Eden,Ellie and Zara- We are decorating biscuits and cakes. We are using icing and toppings

Sophie S.- I am reading Ernest the heroic lion tamer

Rory, Grace, Noah, Eva and Niamh- We are playing on own but chatting aswell

Shared start in P3/2 is Tuesday 14th March at 9.10am-Please join us for this if you can 

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