Class O

It was world book day on Thursday, the class had fun making a character from different characters from a book they have read. We have been learning about recycling and looking at materials and putting them in the correct recycling bin.


Cody – Today is now Wii day because of my Windyknowe visits. The teachers moved wii day to Thursday. I was learning about recycling and reusing and what to recycle like metal plastic and food.


Cameron – I enjoyed PE because I did handball and football and I enjoyed playing outside with the parashute and doing a joint silver circle  in CLASS O :D.

Jayden – I liked making a Lego airplane and I was playing with Dylan Kean,  Adam Bain and Joe Shankland. We also had Lego people to play with. Class M were in Class O and we were all having fun making a house out of Lego.


Caitlin – I have really enjoyed meeting new friends at Armadale Primary. I also enjoyed my visit to Armadale Academy.

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