In Viking Times

Today P4b showcased their learning on Vikings to the school, parents and carers. The children had great fun preparing and learning the songs and scripts and were really proud of their efforts. We really hope you enjoyed it as much as they did!

Callum –The assembly was excellent but my favourite song was Valhalla tango and my favourite part was the gods
Jacob – I liked saying my lines because I think I’d like to be a blacksmith.
Elliot – I liked being a Viking Earl and I think we put so much effort in!
Skye- I had so much fun at the assembly and I was valkyrie.
Rose – I enjoyed the Valhalla tango and being a Valkyrie.
Guy – I liked the songs and the music in them.
Hope – I liked doing the Valhalla Tango dance.
Rayen – I liked everything musically.
Maisey – I enjoyed the singing.
Ben – I liked saying my lines as Odin because it was fun.
Jason – I liked our singing.
Charlotte – I liked being Brunhilda and doing the dance to Valhalla tango.
Katie – I liked saying my lines and my extra line!
Isaac – I liked saying my lines as Thor because it was fun.
Hayley – I enjoyed saying my words.
Nathan – I liked the song Valhalla Tango because it was great.
Luke – I liked being an archaeologist.
Emily – I enjoyed singing.
Louie – I liked my line because it was catchy and about a spoon!
Jamie – Lee – I liked being an archaeologist and finding a sword probably made by a blacksmith.
Ela – I liked learning my lines.
Emma – I liked playing my part because it was really fun.
Lucy – I liked doing the music.
Dani – I liked the biscuits and juice at the end!
Aryan – I liked the music. I liked singing chain mail.


Special thanks to Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Innes for all the preparation of the songs, script and the amazing props!

We also enjoyed learning about the Viking raid on Lindisfarne and even launched our own attack on the island.
See how good a viking raider you would make using this link…..

Primary 4 MVP for the month of January – Lucy. Well done, Lucy!
Pupil of the week – Hope for her excellent approach to Home Learning.
Table of the week – with 590 points

One thought on “In Viking Times”

  1. Your assembly was excellent, P4b! Thank you for sharing your learning so confidently – you all did a super job. Mrs Hay 🙂

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