A Debatable Week in P6B


Our topic this term is the Scottish Parliament. We are enjoying learning about the way our country makes major decisions which affect us all.

We had begun by finding out about the political parties of Scotland and how our elections work. 

Noah – I have enjoyed making a Powerpoint to organise our ideas and share our party manifesto. We chose the Liberal Democrats.

This week we have mainly focused on debates, a common occurrence in any political situation. 

Murray – We are learning to debate many different issues like should animals be held in captivity or if homework should be banned.

Dasha – I am against animals being held in captivity. I believe they should be happy and free in the wild.

Michelle – Our group found out about and discussed some key points about homework. We decided that it should not be banned.


It has been a very interesting week in politics across the word, especially in America. We have enjoyed exploring some of the issues there too by forming and sharing our own opinions and listening to those of others. 

Mrs Murdoch believes that we are a very democratic bunch!


2 thoughts on “A Debatable Week in P6B”

  1. Skye has been telling me all about your debating week! Sounds like you have all had a great time expressing your opinions!

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