In maths we have been learning about financial education. Last week we explored the benefits and risks of using bank cards. For example, using a bank card is a quicker way to buy a product, however, contactless on a bank card can be risky if you loose it. This week we looked at the differences between bank cards and credit cards. A bank card is your own money from your account, whereas a credit card is like a loan and borrowed money. This means that you have to pay back interest. We designed our own bank and credit cards and on the back we recorded our learning so far.
In class we have been learning about the one child policy in China, which was introduced in 1979 by Den Xiapping. We learned about the advantages and disadvantages of this. This was introduced because of the rising population in China. Something had to be done, due to the lack of food, housing and resources. Here are some pros and cons:
Pros- ‘It is now the two child policy.’- Aaron
‘China makes up 20% of the population but only 7% of farmland. The one child policy helps to ensure there is enough food.’- Viggo
‘You get better benefits/awards if you stick to the one child policy. For example, if you get a loan, you don’t pay any interest’- Reiss
Cons- There is now a gender imbalance, with between 32-36 million more boys than girls. – Aaron
‘If you have one child, you can get really spoiled.’- Callum D
‘Some kids are getting abandoned- especially girls.’- Lucy
Controversial topic – the one child policy. Interesting subject to debate.