Primary 6b

Our learning this week:

Tobin i have learnt how to write a news report on the Caribbean island

kamron i have got my first saxophone lesson

harry i have learnt not to be scared of the camera when filming our news report

Mark i enjoyed learning about the Caribbean

Emma i enjoyed learning keys in clarinet

Aidan i learned to work with new people

Skye i learned to draw beauty and the beast when designing the school float.

Archie I enjoyed watching the balbardie factor ellis boyle and annie and olivia won well done to them !!!!!

Dasha -i engoyed pe. We got our reward for following instructions.

One thought on “Primary 6b”

  1. Sounds like you have been learning lots about the Caribbean! I would love to go a trip there!
    Well done also to all the children who participated in your Balbardie Factor talent show. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and Skye was delighted to be picked to perform 😃

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