Some information for the weeks ahead!
Choir will still be on on Thursday 24th November. I understand that primary six pupils have their show in the evening and may not wish to attend choir because of this.
Diary dates – On Wednesday 14th December, 10 primary seven choir members will attend Tesco’s annual treat at The Royal British Legion. We will leave the school at 1.45p.m. and return at 2.45p.m. Those involved will be given letters and should wear their shirts and ties for this, as well as something that shows the brightness and spirit of Christmas e.g. Santa hats, hairbands etc.
We will be recorded by WLC on Thursday 15th December in the afternoon. Choir members should wear shirts and ties, if possible, for this occasion.
We will sing, along with The Junior Choir, at the end of term service on Wednesday 21st December.
Choir members are invited to meet me at Morrisons on Thursday 22nd December at 10.30a.m. We will then sing for about 40 minutes. Thereafter, choir members should be taken home by a named adult. Pupils should wear Christmas colours, hats, hairbands, jumpers – as long as we look part of the Christmas season!
(Letters for all of the above will be issued shortly.)