Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 14.11.16

Hi everyone!
This has been another great week!


The best bits of this week have been:

Emily – “Pudsey day because we get to raise money to help other children”

Cameron – “Making hot chocolate reindeer for our class enterprise”

Leah – “Dressing up to help raise money for Children in Need”

Max – “A dragon arrived at imagination station.  We called him Sparky”

Jonah – “learning z in phonics – I liked making a zoo”

Rio – “Practising for the school show.  I know my line”

Brandon – “Getting to build a castle at the construction station”

Breaghannon – “Making hot chocolate reindeer too!”

Ellie – “Sequencing the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears'”

Rory – “Learning about Pudsey day”

Teigan – “Listening to the story of Goldilocks and doing the voices”

Keegan – “Everything.  It has been a good week!”

Marley – “Pudsey day and my t-shirt”

Leila – “Dressing up and even getting to come to school in our pyjamas”

Poppy – “Making a map of Fairyland with our p7 buddies”

Griffin – “meeting my p7 buddy and my class. I like p1”

Regan – “Buddy time was my best bit too because I liked using my castle book”

Millie – “Pudsey day because I got to dress up”




Primary 2/1

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