

After consolidating our learning about verbs we have been learning about adverbs.

Ranna – adverbs describe verbs

Euan – jumping (verb) quickly (adverb)

Alex – run (verb) slowly (adverb)

In our writing this week we have been focussing on using interesting adverbs to describe verbs. We have also been trying to start a sentence using an adverb.

Suvi – Quickly I ran away.

William – Slowly we started to take off.

Ranna – Silently I read my book.

Jason – Swiftly we ran across the road.


This week we have been learning about the decimal point and adding and subtracting money. As well as the written method we used coins to give change.

Megan – you have to remember to put in the decimal point

Lucas- you have to use the pound sign

Ranna – I think it’s easier to work out change using the coins

Expressive Arts

Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at different artists

This week we were learning about the style of Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at some of his most famous paintings then had to recreate ‘Starry Night’ We discussed the picture before choosing the right colour of chalks we would need then we had to make sure we used the same flowing line style that Van Gogh used. Here are a couple of our pictures –




This week in P.E. was fun as we have been learning about moving in flight using gymnastics moves. The ultimate goal was to be able to perform the move and land securely on two feet.

Alex – the ‘bravery test’ was part of the gymnastics and it was fun because we had to stand up and fall back onto a big squishy mat

Teighan- I liked it when we had to jump as far as we could and land securely then we had to place our bean bag down as a marker

Have a great weekend!

2 thoughts on “P4a”

  1. Suvi says learning couldn’t be more fun that it is in class just now! She has been practising her choir singing all morning too – feeling very Christmassy in our house now!

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