Supermoon excitement!

In writing this week, we have been learning to improve our work. We had to think about making sure our punctuation was accurate, using wow words including amazing adjectives and most importantly using our checklists to help us.
We have also learnt about Remembrance Day and why it is a day of importance in the U.K. We did a reading comprehension activity, enjoyed a lovely assembly, with an emotional song, and made poppy pictures with Mrs Little.
In Science we have been learning about the movement of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth. We went outside and re-enacted these movements. The moon children found it hard to ensure that they didn’t spin but we know that this means that there is a side of the moon that we never see – the dark side of the moon.
We enjoyed finding out about the supermoon, which will occur on Monday and are looking forward to filling in our moon diaries for the next month!








We enjoyed playing this game and thought others might too!

Pupil of the week – Skye for putting great effort into her story about Emerald our visiting alien.
Table of the week – with 710 points
Congratulations Katie for achieving her silver turbo tables award and to Elliot and Lucy for getting their bronze turbo tables awards.

We need plastic bottle lids please…..
Article 28 – the right to an education

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