P7b’s Visit to the Poppy Factory

Last Wednesday we visited The Lady Haig Poppy Factory in Edinburgh.  When we got to the factory we had a talk from ex- servicemen and learned about significant events in WW1 and WW2.  We learned about what the men, women and children lived through and the impact it had on their lives.  We got to see gas masks, guns, helmets and uniforms etc from the war.

We went downstairs and had a tour of the factory. We saw lots of men working hard to make lots of different types of poppies.  One man had designed his own.

We also got to go into the board room and see all the medals issued to soldiers in various wars.

We learned that different countries have different poppy designs.  Lady Haig designed the Scottish poppy that we wear today.

Lastly, we were lucky enough to have time to make some of our own poppies by hand.  We had a brilliant day and learned lots of interesting information.






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