Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 24.10.16

Hi everyone!

What a week we have had…after the holiday week we came back to class and were surprised to find footprints leading towards our cosy corner!  We weren’t sure what had left the footprints or what clues we could find to help us work it out.  Here were some of our thoughts about who had left the things and the footprints:

Brandon – “It could have been a secret map in the scroll that a polar bear had left.  It would take us to a secret, invisible castle”

Ellie – “I thought it might have been a cheetah that left the footprints!”

Poppy – “I thought it was a tiger”

Teigan – “It was something very big that left the footprints!”

Liam – “It might be a big dinosaur, Mrs Mansfield would be scared a dinosaur would come to class”

Millie – “I thought it was a scary, scary, scary bad animal”

Leila – “The scroll smelled like fire!”

Max – “The scroll was like it had been in lava.  I thought it was a massive animal that breathed fire!”

Marley – “I felt sad because I didn’t want the dragon to make a mess with his footprints!”

Cameron – “I thought it might have been a crocodile because there were teeth marks in the paper”

Breghannon – “I thought it was a bit dirty, the paper looked a funny colour.”

Rory – “I thought it was a magic dinosaur because we could pick up the magic footprints!”

Emily – “I thought it might be an alligator.  I know what sound alligator starts with”

Regan – “I was happy because when I walked in I never knew it would be there”

Leah – “It was a cheetah and his tooth fell out when he ate the letter”

Jonah – “I thought it was from the flintstones time.”

Rio – “It was a tiger, the footprints were big”

It actually turned out to be a dragon that had left the footprints!!!  He had left us a scroll explaining that his home had been destroyed.  The Friendly Dragon needed help bringing Fairyland back to life, to do this we have to believe in our fairytales, read fairytales and complete jobs.  The first Fairy-tale we read was Jack and the Beanstalk – we practised sequencing the story, acting out as the characters and were able to talk and answer questions about the story.  It was all very exciting!  We are really looking forward to getting more ‘D-mails’ to help build Fairyland back up again.

Other Successes of the Week

  • Rory – Pupil of the Week
  • Cameron – Star Writer


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Just a reminder that auditions for the School talent show will take place next Thursday – please encourage your children to practise their acts (songs, dancing, jokes…the list goes on) before then.  Children do not need to take part if they don’t want to but I look forward to seeing what our future stars have prepared.  Have a nice weekend!)

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