Primary 6b

Primary 6b
Fiona – I enjoyed baking in golden time this week. We baked truffles. We got crushed digestive biscuits in a bowl, we added condensed milk and mixed it together. Then we added cocoa powder and mixed it all together. Then we scooped it up with our hands and rolled it into a ball.
Aidan – I enjoyed the auditions on Wednesday and found out our parts today. I was happy because I got the part I auditioned for.
Robyn – I also enjoyed the auditions because me and Skye got the parts we wanted.
Harry – I wanted a part in the play so I’m happy. My character is called Bunghole.
Lewis – This week we were learning to count to twenty in French
Katie – In maths I learned to write numbers in words.

One thought on “Primary 6b”

  1. Skye is delighted with her part in the P6 play! You have lots of hard work ahead to learn all your lines, but I am sure you will all manage no problem! We look forward to coming to watch it in November! 🙂

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