Code breaking in P4b!

This week has been a busy and fun week. We’ve enjoyed the good weather and had a lot of out door playtimes which is great.

In language, we wrote coded letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, who was imprisoned, to her allies. First we looked at the code that Mary used when writing to her friends. Then we typed up a different code to write messages. We gave each other words and messages to decode using our new code. We discovered that you have to be really careful when using a code otherwise it doesn’t work!

In maths we are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and also to the nearest 100.

We are also learning to match digital and analogue times. We are finding this a bit tricky and need more practice!

In french we learnt the months of the year and made wheels to show what happens in each month.

In science we started planning a game using our understanding of circuits. We are looking forward to making them next week!

In P.E. we have been learning hockey skills. We have been playing lots of small sided games learning about controlling the ball and working in a small space. We enjoy playing truck and trailer.

Ben is very proud that he has learnt to ride his bike without stabilisers.

Our table of the week is green

Pupil of the week is Charlotte for doing excellent roleplay in health and wellbeing.

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Article 28 – the right to an education

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