Roald Dahl’s Birthday Activities!

We have had a great week in Class G. We had great fun on Tuesday as it was Roald Dahl’s birthday.  We made costumes, decorations and themed food and used all these to have a Roald Dahl themed birthday party.  It was great fun!  This week we have been learning about the sounds a and t.  We had great fun making tarts for the letter t.  We have also been working on patterns this week and have been creating some great patters using 3 colours and 3 shapes.


Jake – I liked making tarts using strawberries for t.


Logan – I liked making strawberry tarts, putting custard on them and eating them.


Erin – I was making triangles using spaghetti and playdoh.


Cameron – I liked making and eating all the food at the Roald Dahl party.


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