This week we learned all about William Wallace and the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Did you know that all his army wore yellow tunics not tartan ones? They rubbed plants on the their tunics to dye them. Also the Scots outwitted the English bu using great tactics, they won even although the English had many more cavalrymen than the Scots.

We also wrote newspaper reports on the battle during writing, and learned about the features of a newspaper.

In H&W we learned about having a growth mindset – feel free to ask us about it!

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

One thought on “P5A”

  1. P5A you have been learning lots this week! A lot of interesting facts about William Wallace and the Battle of Stirling Bridge. I would really like to see some of your newspaper reports – I wonder what the Headlines are? Keep working hard and continue to develop your Growth Mindset…. remember the power of YET!

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