P4b’s fabulous week!

In literacy this week we have written letters from Mary Queen of Scots to her mother from the time when she was living in France. We thought about the language she would have used, what she would have done and told her mother about and also about her asking her mother how she was and what was happening in Scotland.

In our energy topic we have thought about energy conservation.
These are some ways we can save energy in our homes:
Jay – turn tvs off rather than leaving them on standby.
Jaime-Lee – only boil the water you need for a cup of tea
Maisey – don’t leave chargers and electrical items plugged in when they aren’t being used.
Guy – when it’s a sunny day, use the natural light rather than turning lights on
Jack – keep doors closed so you don’t waste heat in the winter
Elliot – recycle any waste than you can – food, paper, plastic bottles, tins, plastic tubs.
Aryan – don’t leave your electric car on charge for too long.

In French we were revising our numbers to 20 and learning them up to 50. They are quite easy after 20!

In outdoor P.E. we started learning to play hockey. We learnt to hold the sticks properly and dribble the ball.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Table of the week – TBA!

Pupil of the week – Katie for writing a super letter in the language of Mary Queen of Scots.

Article 28 – The right to an education

2 thoughts on “P4b’s fabulous week!”

  1. deliighted to see your Mary Queen of Scots work P4

    I will try to pop in when you are working on your French numbers…Bonne chance !

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