P2A’s week

As part of our Senses topic, we have had fun looking at optical illusions.  We had fun making our eyes go a bit funny and some of of us were a bit dizzy! We paired up in our penny experiment where we closed one of our eyes and tried to judge where the penny would drop…Lots of us were really good at this task, Miss McDougall was very impressed.

We are continuing to get faster and faster at our mental maths and are enjoying our new maths games.

In writing this week we worked on Who, What, Where and When and we found out that Mrs Potato Head had a cold…we had to help her get better.

We are continuing to use our expressive voices in our reading groups and turbo boost our volume, well done P2!

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Lexi

Elena is really happy to be on step 2

Emily is on level 4 swimming and can ride her bike with no stabilisers

Daniel is moving to a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do

Luke is learning to practise balancing and do bridges



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