Caitlin – I enjoyed making my character with Mrs Spence and i enjoyed doing writing with my intergration.
Jayden – Class library is my favourite job. I love to read books and sit on the caterpillar bean bag it is so comfortable. I was using dominoes for my times table. I picked a dominoe and added the numbers together then multiplied that number by 2 it was good fun. I used a whiteboard to help me get the answers.
Liam – I like drawing at my new work station. I have three activity baskets, they have numbers on them 1,2 and 3. It is quite at my work station. I like to read in the library room. I sit on a comfy couch to read my books.
Cameron – I built a model out of connect. The small one was a character, it had one eye, arms and legs and the big model was the boss. The boss could do lots of things.
Cody – I like to use the dark den when I have i-pad. I have been using different strategies to help me with my maths work.