Quel temps fait-il?

This week has been a week of weather and has certainly helped us with our French! We’ve had rain, sunshine, warmth, clouds and wind!
This has been our first full week and we have started learning lots of new things.

In literacy we are learning about Mary Queen of Scots, who was born nearby at Linlithgow Palace. She was the third child of Mary of Guise and James V of Scotland.

In maths, we have been learning about place value and adding numbers. We have also been revising our knowledge of telling the time. We played time bingo using analogue times and clocks. We are all really good at using o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and are moving onto using 5 minute intervals which will mean we are never late!
In Music with Mrs Drummond, we learnt about rhythm and beat. We had a lot of fun clapping and clicking.
Have a lovely weekend and we hope the weather is nice for the Kirkston Park festival.

Article 28 – The Right to an Education
Pupil of week – Maisey for contributing to class discussions.
Table of the week – Yellow

One thought on “Quel temps fait-il?”

  1. This sounds really exciting! It was great to meet the teachers last night in school. Keep up the good work everyone! Am looking forward to this week’s post! From: Jacob’s mum.

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