Golden Time at Balbardie

Friday mornings bring a lovely buzz to the school as children look forward to celebrating their good work and positive behaviour through Golden Time.  Last session, we consulted with staff and pupils and have made a few changes to make this experience more valuable and purposeful for our pupils.

Each class has their own pictorial display that is visible for the pupils.  Pupils all start on an agreed amount of time on a Monday and then earn their minutes every day, which accumulate to 30 minutes on a Friday.  If a child does not earn their minutes and therefore does not receive their full 30 minutes on a Friday, class teachers will discuss this with the child and encourage them to remember our steps to positive behaviour in school.

Each pupil gets the chance to sign up to an activity for them to enjoy on the Friday. The day of choice selection might differ from class to class, to best meet the needs of the pupils in the class.  There is a variety of choices for Golden Time, and these could include toys from home, baking, construction toys, iPad games, role-play etc.  Staff are very creative with the choices and also consult their class on what they might enjoy.  Our hope is to increase the resources available for Golden Time to enrich this valuable experience for our pupils.

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