Our First Week Back – Class O

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Cameron – I enjoyed playing with the new equipment in the playground. I played basket ball with Cailtin and I was the first person to score in one of the nets. I also played wrestling with Liam it was brilliant fun. I met my new intergration teacher and my new seat is at the front of the class.


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Jayden – I enjoyed sitting on the chair outside telling stories. I like to play with the lego and build tall houses. I did a drawing of an aeroplane inside there was me Elianah, Caitlin, Cameron and DanTDM.


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Cody – I enjoyed napping in the chair outside, I also liked to play the jigsaw puzzles.  I completed the frog jigsaw but still need to do the snake puzzle. I enjoyed looking at the new book paper. I met my new integration teacher when I went to the gathering and I also met my friends Reece and Aiden.

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