Primary 2b Blog

This has been an excellent week in Primary 2b!  We are so excited to share our learning with you through our blog!


The best bits of this week have been:

  • creating a P2b scrapbook to be passed to Mrs Ghafoor for when we are in P3.   We had to write about ourselves and think this will help Mrs Ghafoor get to know us better!
  • using the book ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ to help us visualise what the story would look like!  We then created our own lands that we would like to visit the top of the Faraway Tree!  Mrs Mansfield really enjoyed this as it is one of her favourite books!



We really enjoyed these bits of maths this week:

  • learning the way to tell the difference between our left and our right hand.  We liked singing songs to help us remember this and are getting better at being able to give directions using left and right
  • directing people using quarter turns and half turns – it was funny trying to direct people to different places in the classroom


Learning Across the Curriculum

Wow!  What a week we have had for learning across the curriculum.  These are the highlights:

  • having a look at animal print and using these details to create a beautiful animal print picture
  • talking about the ways that mummy animals look after baby animals and the food that babies eat
  • Mrs Hay came in to show us a picture of her when she was a little girl growing up in South Africa.  She was playing with a lion cub, it was really cute!
  • learning about Fairtrade.  We think it is very important that farmers are paid well for their work.


Achievements this week

  • Jackie, Jay and Aaron got to Step 5
  • Orla was pupil of the week
  • Olivia got a trophy from her dancing
  • Charlotte and Brooke are working hard for their dance show next week
  • Annie received a medal from her swimming lessons


We hope you all have a lovely week!  We can’t believe next week is the last whole week of P2!

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