Literacy – this week we were filling in the ‘Holes’, as we finished our class novel study – Holes by Louis Sacher.  We have been doing lots of evaluative and  analytical work related to the novel and we were delighted to unravel the plot and find out what happened to our favourite characters at the end.  We enjoyed it so much that we have asked to read the follow up in the last week of term!

Zoe – it was very good, lots of cliffhangers and twists!

Aidan – could be quite confusing but really good at the same time.

Iona – the plot was really exciting and I liked how it all worked out and joined together.

Jamie – I really enjoyed learning about the characters and felt that you could really connect with them.

Chris – I enjoyed the book because it made me think!

Numeracy – We revisited Symmetry this week and making shapes the same on each side.  We even used each other to make shapes with our bodies!

LAC – We worked on our debate speeches for the EU Referendum.  We looked at how to structure a debate and the rules then wrote our own. It taught us a lot about the arguements for and against and how to use persuasive language to change people’s minds.

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