P4b w/b 13.6.16

Baillie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about to run hurdles in PE.

Olivia: I enjoyed practising the church songs. I also liked learning how to link multiplication and division.

Eva: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama with Mrs Innes.

Brodie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about athletics in PE.

Ava: I enjoyed James and the Giant Peach and silent reading.

Isla: I enjoyed writing poems, learning plays with Mrs Innes and writing a message for the P7s.

Rachael: I enjoyed acting out a play for reading.

Sophie: I enjoyed sharing our feelings in Cool in School.

Finn: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach and learning about plays.

Emma: I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning how to double a number.

Demi: I enjoyed choir this week. We were learning a new song for our performance.

Lucy M: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama.

Liam: I enjoyed learning how to link multiplication and division.

Millie: I enjoyed learning about plays and learning how to add using the standard written method.

Freya: I enjoyed learning about plays in drama.

Keira: I enjoyed learning a new song in choir for our performance next week.

Lucy R: I enjoyed practising my spelling.

Breanna: I enjoyed doubling numbers in maths.

Aidan: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant peach and revising division facts.

Karys: I enjoyed learning about different emotions in Cool in School.

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