Pr 6A

On Wednesday we ‘moved on’ to primary 7 for the day. Miss Elliot will be our teacher next year. We completed the Skittles challenge. This involved us sitting in a circle and choosing two random Skittles. We then had to answer the questions on the board that related to that colour. Ramsay chose a purple and orange skittle – the questions were about my friends and favourite school subject. The others were red, yellow and green. The question for red was our favourite TV programme or film. The yellow question was favourite food or drink. The green question was our favourite singer or band. After you answered your question you were allowed to eat the skittle!
We did lots of interesting work with Miss Elliot, and we are looking forward to next session!
On Thursday we began working on leadership and team-working skills related to a Potted Sports activity. Firstly we spoke about what Potted Sports are, and then we had to compete in sports devised by Mrs Innes. Our task is to teach and lead a session with one of Mrs Innes’ drama classes.
We began working on this today. We are working in groups to complete this task. We have prepared our potted sports course – and have had to think about the different skills of throwing, catching, shooting and running. We have been allocated our classes and have sorted them into teams. We have begun to create name labels for our team members and prepare score cards. Next week we will trial our course and then lead the session with our assigned classes during week beginning 23rd June.
As almost all of the primary seven pupils are spending this week at Bathgate Academy, we are having a Karaoke Cafe in the drama hall for Golden Time. We will also have craft and i-pad time during this, so that there is a wider range of activities available.

Another week in the life of primary 6A!
Have a good weekend everyone!

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