Our butterflies are here!

This week was very exciting for our class as we got to see our butterflies emerge from their cocoons. We had 5 cocoons at the start of the week and by Wednesday we had one butterfly already!



When we came into school on Friday morning we had 3 more butterflies! Only 1 butterfly was still in its cocoon. We could see its patterns and Miss Wilson said that the butterfly would be out very soon. We kept an eye on it all morning.

Only 10 minutes later, it emerged! We finally have 5 butterflies.

In the final picture you can see some red liquid on the lid. You might be wondering what this is. We thought it might be blood, but we researched it further and found out this was meconium! Lots of this means that your butterfly is healthy and is a normal part of the process. It is just leftover waste material stored in the butterfly’s abdomen.

We are very excited to set them free on Monday in the garden and can’t wait to see if they will land on our hands and heads!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

3 thoughts on “Our butterflies are here!”

  1. I like the colours on the butterflies wings. I am excited to set them free in the garden!
    I like my new teacher but I will miss Miss Wilson and my buddy Taylor.

  2. I liked watching the butterflies come out of their cocoons. It was very exciting when we released them and I liked seeing them flying all around.

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