Busy Bees in Class O

We have enjoyed using a variety of games, books and activities to help us with our Literacy and Numeracy this week.
We have been learning about multiplication, division, adjectives and conjunctions.

Yolie: Sum Jenga was fun. Each Jenga piece had a sum on it and I had to work out the answer.

Cameron: Jamie and I played sum towers. Everytime we pulled a brick out we could use it to try and build the tallest tower if you got the answer correct. Jamie won, I was second and Mrs O’Neill lost.

Liam: I played sum Jenga with Yolie. The sums made it fun.

Callum: I enjoyed searching for adjectives and conjunctions online and in comics.

Cody: I ejoyed using the ipad to make movies with adjectives and connectives.

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