P6b news update

This week has been very busy in P6b.  In writing we created our own poems about space. We did this by working cooperatively in groups to come up with ideas.  Our poems included rhyming words, similes, personification and adjectives.

In maths this week we have been working on algebra by solving equations and learning how to use number machines.  We also challenged ourselves during maths stations by simplifying equations.

In French this week we created our own PowerPoint including how we say our name, age and where we live.

We celebrated success in P6b by singing “Sit up and learn with me”- we really enjoyed this.

We completed our space mission posters and presented them back to the class.

Some pupils from P6b took part in the cross country event this week and did extremely well by winning the following;

Polina- Bronze and silver medal

Ryrie- Bronze medal

Kari- Silver medal

Aidan- Bronze medal

Reiss- Bronze medal

Jack- Bronze medal

Meg- Silver medal

Iona- Two silver medals

Well done P6b!!

A reminder that our trip is on Tuesday 17th May to the National Museum of Scotland.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!




One thought on “P6b news update”

  1. I’m sad I couldn’t make it along to see the assembly and hear the singing, but Viggo’s dad told me all about it.

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