P4b W/b 2.5.16

Olivia: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor P.E. We were learning about rugby passes and circuits.

Rachael: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Keira: I enjoyed learning my part for our assembly.

Breanna: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Cameron: I enjoyed doing rugby in P.E.

Brodie: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Demi: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Emma: I enjoyed reading.

Ava: I enjoyed learning to add 2 digit numbers in maths.

Eva: I enjoyed our trip to the sports centre for swimming.

Millie: I enjoyed learning how to add 2 digit numbers in maths.

Grace: I enjoyed circuits in outdoor P.E.

Arran: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Robbie: I enjoyed our swimming trip this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed reading.

Lucy R: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

Aidan: I enjoyed Golden time.

James: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

One thought on “P4b W/b 2.5.16”

  1. what a busy week P4b !
    Your song about Food groups for the Celebrating Success Assembly was super. I loved all the guitar moves 🙂

    And your Assembly on Friday.That was excellent.

    Enjoy today, Sunday. Hope it’s sunny where you are 🙂

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