This week in class we have been learning about the fruit and vegetable section of the eatwell plate. Over one quarter of our diet should be fruit and veg.
Everyone tasted fruits and gave their opinion. Aiden, Adam and Dylan loved the pomegranate. It was a new fruit for a lot of us to taste.
Adam – I made pomegranate juice. I picked out all the seeds then Mrs Mallin took them home to blend them. It was a nice drink.
Dylan – I liked the taste of pomegranate. It was delicious. It tasted juicy and it popped in my mouth.
Then we made lentil soup using lots of fresh ingredients.
Cary – I’m not looking forward to tasting the soup.
Joe – The soup was great. It was smooth. It had carrrots,onion, potato, lentils and ham stock cube. It smells like smoky bacon crisps. The onions made my eyes water.
We all agreed that we are going to try and eat more fruit and vegetables each day.