P1c’s highlights of the term

This term has been incredibly busy in P1c. These are our ‘best bits’

Harris – I like playing with Noah at playtime.
Skye – I like playing on the ipad when I’ve done my work.
Dionne – I liked listening to the Easter songs with my buddy.
Alysheeya – I liked visiting the library for World Book Day.
Alex – I liked going to church to sing the songs
Marley – I like learning on pocket phonics.
Nina – I liked going to the church to sing about Easter.
Daniel – I enjoyed learning why stone age people killed animals to make clothes.
Evie – I enjoyed making the stoneage jewellery with Mrs Laidlaw.
Elise – I liked learning about adding in maths.
Grace – I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.
Ava – I have enjoyed learning the new sounds with Miss Wilson.
Isla – I liked learning about stone age clothes.
Emma – I have enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.
Sarah – I liked making my dinosaur project.
Keira – I liked learning about stone age people, especially what they ate.
Noah – I liked playing with the playdough.
Isla – I liked doing gym with Mr Jeffries.
Liam – I liked learning about dinosaurs.
Esther – I have learning about cave people and what they ate and how they lived.

Article 28 – the right to an education.

Dojo winners – Nina and Grace

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