This week …

We are on the last week of term. It is busy because we have our excursion tomorrow to South Queensferry Visitor Centre.

We have the Church service on Thursday morning and we have the Golden Club event for many of the class on Thursday afternoon.What an excitng last week of term…

Our comments:-

Teighan,Megan,Robert,Alfie B., Sophia, Ben, Denholm, Kay – We can’t wait until we go to The visitor centre at South Queensferry tomorrow

Connor, Euan- We are looking forward to the trip tomorrow and having lunch in the Rail Bridge restaurant in South Queensferry

Jason-I can’t wait to see the bridges tomorrow

Kiara,Sam-  We’re excited for the church service this Thursday

Ava,Sophie, Alfie G.- We can’t wait to sing “As one” in the church on Thursday

Erin, Liam, Jess- We’re looking forward to the Golden Club event on Thursday afternoon

Mia, Lauren, Suvi, Emma-We’re looking forward to singing the Easter songs at the church on Thursday

Oliver- I ‘m looking forward to Parents Evening







5 thoughts on “This week …”

  1. I am really looking forward to this week because of the Church Service so I can sing the Easter songs. .I am really looking forward to going to the Visitor Centre at South Queensferry.I am really looking forward to having my Packed Lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I hope you all enjoy your trip today!

    I am looking forward to hearing all the Easter songs at the church service

    Nancy (ava’s mum) 🙂

  3. Sufi loved the trip today and shared some of the facts she’d learned about the bridges with us. Sad I can’t make the Easter service as the songs Suvi’s been singing at home sound lovely!

  4. I really liked the trip today, especially seeing the deer and doing the animal and word search activities. I cannot wait till the church service – mummy and daddy cannot make it but I will sing the songs to them at home.

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