In literacy we have been developing our Higher Order Reading Skills and can now use connections to make predictions. Mrs Mansfield says she is very impressed with how good we are at making connections! Especially because we can sort connections into three categories: text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world!
We have been learning to continue story writing when provided with story starters and have been using our imagination in lots of different ways too – even managing to create stories about adventures we have been on with our pet dragons!!
In practical maths Miss Brown has been teaching us about how to tell the time. We have practised reading o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Some of the class have also been learning how to count on time in hours and have enjoyed playing ICT games to consolidate this learning.
Dungeons and Dragons
This was a very exciting week for our Learning Across the Curriculum context as we finished off our learning with a Medieval Banquet. We got to try lots of foods including pancakes, tomatoes, grapes, pork pies, honey, bread, apples, strawberry juice, bananas, cheese and ham. We discovered that lots of us liked honey (especially when it was on our pancakes!) We also showcased our dances that we have been working on in PE with Mrs Mansfield and got to watch a short clip of a film. Lots of us enjoyed pretending to be jesters and telling lots of jokes to entertain people. We also liked playing the game ‘Bow to the King’ to finish our banquet! We have learned lots and lots about castles, dungeons and dragons through our Learning across the Curriculum focus!
Thanks for reading!
From Primary 2b