Expressive Arts in Class M

This week we have been enjoying lots of expressive arts activities. We thought about who is in our family and created our own family trees. We found out everone’s families are different.

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Joe – I was painting a hand.  First one was green, blue. I made a mistake with the third one.


In spelling we also got creative by spelling out our words in paint.

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In literacy some of us have been creating our own fact files of topics we are interested in. We are researching, taking notes, finding interesting and important facts, and typing our finding on the computer. We hope to share our fact files with other classes once they are finished.

Cary – This week I hope I get extra time on the computer so I can look at Star Wars Images. I like droids better than robots, they are much cooler. I am going to make a fact file avout the AAT-1.
Dylan – My fact file is about The Simpsons. Homer says ‘D’oh!’ I started it because I found a picture. I don’t know what I will write next.



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