Sky Studios

Yesterday we went a school trip to Sky Academy in Livingston.

When we arrived the split into four teams and each of us had a different role. The roles included; reporter, editor, script writer, camera operator, producer, director, eye-witness and expert.

These roles require different skills such as; team work, creativity, hard work, communication, time management and problem solving.

We made a news report about cyber bullying. We learned facts about this topic and then split the news report into four sections. Team 1 introduced the report, team 2 reported within a ‘school’, team 3 were eye-witnesses and team 4 interviewed someone on the issue.

Here are our favourite parts of the day.

‘Watching the report back.’ – Liam

‘Watching programmes in the cinema room in the comfy seats.’- Travis

‘Getting to dress up.’- Leon

We got to take a copy of the report home to show our parents. Overall, we had a great experience!

RRS- Article 28- Right an education

Article 19- Right to be protected prom being hurt

Article 29- Right to develop talent and abilities







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