P1a class assembly

Today was our class assembly! We were very excited to tell everyone what we have been learning about dinosaurs.

There were some boys and girls dressed as dinosaurs and some boys and girls dressed as palaeontologists. Everyone looked great!

In our assembly:
– I liked when we said “That’s the endosaurus!” (Lexi)
– I liked dressing up as a palaeontologist. (Kyle)
– I liked singing the songs. (Eden)
– I liked Isla’s part. (Elena)
– I liked my part when I was a tricerotops and I liked singing the songs. (Akasha)
– I was a pterodactyl. (Orlaith)
– I liked when I said my part. (Isla)

Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

One thought on “P1a class assembly”

  1. Well done on a great assembly P1a, I learned lots of information about dinosaurs & loved listening to the great songs.

    Helen (Orlaith’s mum)

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