Primary 6A

Well, that’s another week of school almost over…. how quickly it has passed.

Connor – We all went swimming this week. I enjoyed it lots!

Declan – In maths I was doubling three and four digit numbers. It was a little bit tricky to start with.

Zoe – We were taught our dance for the show. It was fun, but a wee bit difficult getting the alternate arms and legs to work!
After school Sarah got it right, and she became ‘Pamela’!

Louise – We used all of the mics on Tuesday during our full rehearsal. It was scary because we had an audience watching us!

Jane – Our art work involved drawing using angles. It was pretty easy to do.

Louisa – Today during Golden Time I completed craft work. I made an Easter basket using foam shapes.

A reminder that we are going to Bathgate Academy next Friday morning. We will travel down by bus. Those being collected from the Academy should be collected at 12.30, and those not will walk back to Balbardie to be collected at 1.00p.m. (approx)

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