P4a Learning

Aidan – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell. He invented the telephone and the metal detector. We had to take notes.
Kayleigh – We learned that Alexander Graham Bell taught in a deaf school and that he invented a metal jacket.
Evie – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell by watching a video, we read information, highlighted important facts, took notes and we then used our learning to make a fact book about him.

Leia – We learned some sign language. We learned how to say our names and other things that we asked. We learned this by asking and copying Mrs Paradies.

Dadirayi – In maths we have been revising adding and subtracting. We have been completing our workbook, playing games and working with the teacher.

Mya – In whole class maths we have been learning about Symmetry. Symmetry is when it is the same. We have been copying patterns and shapes in booklets, we created symmetrical art.

Aaron – In my maths group we have been revising our numbers to 10,000. We have been learning this by completing our workbook, games, iPad and have been working with Mrs Paradies and Miss Davidson.

Kayleigh – My maths group has been learning to multiply a two digit number by 2,3,4,5 timestable.

James – So say it was 3 x 45 you would do 3 x 40 which is 120 and then 3 x 5 is 15 and then you add them together so 120 and 15 is 135.

Grace – In my maths group we have been learning to take away three digit sums using upstairs downstairs sums.

Caitlin – We had to learn that we sometimes cant take away in our column so had to borrow.

Evan – We learned this by completing worksheets that didn’t have any words and then completed a trickier textbook page. We also played games and worked with the teacher doing examples on whiteboards and iPads.

Calvin – At the Hub we were going to have snack and we went through to the staffroom with Mrs White and we made a fruit boat. To make a fruit boat you get some melons, you cut it in half and then you cut wee pieces of it and then you get a wee stick to put fruit on it. To make the sail you get an orange, stick it through then you put it on the middle of the boat melon and put a grape at the top. It was very tasty! Me and Ben served it to other people at Hub and they all enjoyed it! Caidan ate it all and took another one!

One thought on “P4a Learning”

  1. Well done P4a on learning sign language this week…as you know some people use sign language all the time to communicate so it is a really good skill to have
    Mrs Aitken

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