As part of our Dungeons and Dragons topic we have been learning about the different jobs people used to have when they lived in a Castle. We learned what Puff the dragon would get up to and we are hoping that he will come back to visit us.
We continued to learn more about symmetry and we made our own shields with symmetrical patterns.
The Spheres maths group have been continuing to practise the 4 times table and have been practising the 3 times table. We are getting faster at our answers.
We continue to practise our songs and dances for the P2 show which we are looking forward to performing after the Easter holidays.
In RME work with Miss Owens we learned the stages in the Easter story.
Class Dojo winner this week-Mia
Pupil of the week-Mia
Achievements this week
Arran won a football trophy
Jodie is hoping to get a red tag at Tae Kwon Do
Kaycee won a Judo trophy
Mia has started new swimming lessons
Charlie won a baseball trophy
Tamsyn won a go-karting medal
Sophie continues to do well in swimming
Well done to Arran-step 5
Well done to Ruby, Charlie and Evan-step 4
Well done P2a ….I ll look forward to your show after the Easter holidays…
You have been very busy learning your times tables and symmetry work also…
Great to see Arran on Step 5 -well done !
Mrs Aitken