We posted a blog last week yet it can’t be found so here is last weeks blog (again) followed by this weeks blog!



Last week-

Maths has been really tricky this week as we have been learning about the 24hr clock. We say that ‘am’ is after midnight and that ‘pm’ is past morning and it’s really helped us with the 24hr clock!

Lennox – the 24hr clock is different to the clock we normally use because it just shows numbers to twelve.

Jenny – you have to add twelve hours on to the pm time to make it 24hrs.

Yasmin – 8 o’clock in the morning is O800 hrs.

We have also been practicing our mental maths skills. We are getting much quicker adding nine to a number and we are all much faster when adding ten to any number.

Our writing this week has been about writing instructions. We made a Victorian theatre and we had to follow verbal instructions then write our instructions down after we made the theatre. We also used the theatres as a focus for writing a play working in pairs. We will finish our playwriting next week and let you know how it went.

Here are some pictures of our theatres-



This weeks blog!!


This week we have been learning about how to write a diary entry. We have been learning about the conventions of writing this way.

Lennox – write short notes.

Rowan- write in the past tense and in chronological order.

Cole – you can use bullet points for things.

Jennie – always have the date.


Maths this week has been building on what we have been learning about time. We have been learning to read journey timetables. We found it quite straight forward when we had to add or takeaway whole hours however it was very tricky when the time differences were more difficult. We had a fun time with rapid fire questions when Mrs D would say a time and then we would have to add or subtract 15mins, 30 mins, 45 mins etc. we all agree this helped us a lot !

We have also been learning how to measure an area in square centimetres. We really got the hang of this very quickly! We know it’ll get harder next week but we are really looking forward to more complicated measure work.

Learning about the lives of Victorian children has been great fun. This week we made peg dolls. They didn’t take long to make but we all had great fun finding different materials to use for clothing and arms etc.

Here are some pictures –

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We did a really fun task on Thursday. We had to works in pairs  using one hand each to make a paper aeroplane. We had to really work together to be successful. Lots of instructions meant intense listening ! Here are some pictures-

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Have a great weekend!!

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