We started our Castles topic this week with Miss Owens and we labelled the parts of a castle correctly. We look forward to learning more exciting facts about Castles in the weeks to come.
The Cylinders and Pyramids were introduced to the 4 times table this week and we are getting faster at our times table challenges. Our time challenge is now set at 8 seconds.
With Miss Owens we have been learning more about Symmetry and making shapes symmetrical.
In P.E we have been practising our games including 4 corner dodgeball and tunnel tig and using our team building skills better. We also learned how to run safely and quickly.
We continue to practise our P2 show ‘Tagpole Rag’ and we are busy learning our speaking parts for our show after the Easter holidays.
In our writing this week we created a wanted poster for our own dragons who might be helping us with our Castles topic.
Achievements this week
Kaycee moved up to a new swimming level
Erin has starting swimming and gymnastics lessons
Charlie won a baseball game
Luke has now graduated into the bigger swimming pool
Samuel build a huge house in Minecraft